Tuesday 15 November 2011

So many nice e-mails and so interesting.

 A nice e-mail from Australia supplied the above picture, a rough van but it is going to live again. Customising is not my thing I must admit but at least it will survive and not be just robbed of a few bits and crushed. You never know in 20 years time somebody might decided to restore it back to originality.

 Another e-mail from Australia shows this 1956 Morris JB van before restoration commenced.
The owner said in the e-mail "I have owned this van for four years and it has been a slow on and off project to restore it, more off than on.
The attached photo is of the van when I puchased it , it doesn't look too bad but it had a lot of rust and some very bad repairs.
I have replaced the rear crossmember and door frame, both sills and door steps and the front valance panel under the grille.
The body had a lot of filler in it, in some places 20mm thick, this was all sand blasted out and most of the damage has been panel beaten out. Apart from the brakes, mechanically the van is pretty good. I still have a fair bit of panel work to go before I can start reassembling it."
  I know the full details of both these vans but to protect the owners I have withheld their and their vans details.
 A period London street shot? No, a shot taken last year, part of the filming I did with the JB van. It has taken nearly a year for the film to come out, it was due for release in the spring but like the filming, everything over ran.
 Another shot from the film, this one at the back of Pinewood studios and features my mate Brain Holdsworth's Wolseley 6/80.

Four other views of 940 BYY, now fully on the road and being enjoyed, that's what it's all about. Thanks to all who have contributed.