Tuesday 31 July 2012

Changes to this blog.

Hi to all readers, just to let you know there will be some changes to this blog shortly.
The first being a new joint author will be adding items to this blog, we will both be posting items and we are widening our subject matter to include more interesting items on the vehicle makes that became B.M.C. in the 1950's.
You will notice a difference in style, he can spell and his grammar is always correct.
Therefore a new contact e-mail is required, here it is. fiftiesvehicles@mail.com
My Jb van has been back on the road now for a week after the axle overhaul and ratio change. I've been using it for the journey to and from work and so far I'm very pleased with it. There is lower engine noise in the cab when bumbling along at 35mph but I have yet to see if my MPG will improved, time will tell.