Saturday 12 April 2014

1954 Morris Minor running for the first time in years.

I had a few minutes spare, so I thought I would attack the wreck of the 1954 Morris Minor pick-up that has been sitting in the garage for the last 8 or 9 years. I pushed it out the other week to be able to tidy up the garage. Well since then no tidying has taken place, just no spare time, busy busy that's me.
Today I thought, why not have a go at the poor thing.
So a gallon of petrol into the tank, a battery connected up with the aid of some jump leads. Not a lot happened, the electric petrol pump points needed cleaning and various pipe joints needed tightening.
Next the NO Spark problem was down to dirty points in the distributor. Well it started up but won't run unless on choke, fuel gauge shows full even though its not, the ignition light does not work and the dynamo and regulator box are both on strike.  Still maybe in the next couple of months I will be allowed to play again for another 15 minutes, who knows what I will be able to fix. These old vehicles can be such good fun.